22 October 2023

Scaffolding Review: Cuphead Controller

The main point of my controller is that you are using an actual cup/mug to move the character. The cup will have a Circuit Playground inside it that will read the accelerometer x and y which will get the character to move, jump, and crouch. The Adafruit will also read the sound and light sensor to trigger various actions that the player will use to defeat the various bosses. By tilting the cup/adafruit circuit left and right, the character can move left and right. The player can jump and crouch when it tilts up or down. I also want my controller to have a single button that the player will hold down for the character to fire out projectiles. The sound sensor will cause the character to unleash a special attack. To trigger it, the player may have to scream into the cup.

Pseudo Code

void setup()





void loop() 


read accelerometer x and y

tilt left = left arrow key

tilt right = right arrow key

        tilt up = up arrow key

        tilt down = down arrow key

        If button is pressed

        character will shoot

Get sound sensor reading

        if sound is > 90

        character will ex shoot (strong attack)

        get light sensor reading

        if light is < 90

        character will dash


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