Crypt of the NecroDancer is a game in which the player traverses a dungeon to the rhythm of the music playing in the background. The player can use a multitude of items at their disposal, including but not limited to: bombs, thrown weapons, and spells.
Conceptually, the controller is designed like a Mimic; a
classic medieval fantasy monster which also appears in the game itself. In a
sense, the player themself has to brave the strange depths of this creature to
be able to simultaneously brave the depths of the dungeons in the game. The
game is controlled via the Mimics overt fleshy bits. The tongue of the Mimic
can be used to move up or down as well as throwing your weapon, and the inside
of the Mimic possesses two fleshy sores that can be pressed on to move the
player left or right. The inputs can also be combined to perform their
respective actions in game. The inputs are meant to be discovered easily by the
way they stick out compared to the rest of the Mimics body; Both in terms of
texture as well as proportions.
In terms of affordances our chosen electronic components
were perfect for the aesthetics we wanted to achieve, but it was somewhat
challenging to fully determine how we would use those components to achieve all
of the basics of gameplay; Using a linear potentiometer to house multiple
inputs was particularly interesting.
Feedback Question: If you were to make a controller like
this, would you have used any different inputs or sensors? (edited)
Video Demonstration:
#include <Keyboard.h>#include <KeyboardLayout.h>#include <Keyboard_da_DK.h>#include <Keyboard_de_DE.h>#include <Keyboard_es_ES.h>#include <Keyboard_fr_FR.h>#include <Keyboard_hu_HU.h>#include <Keyboard_it_IT.h>#include <Keyboard_pt_PT.h>#include <Keyboard_sv_SE.h>#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>#include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h>int fsrAnalogPinOne = A2;int fsrAnalogPinTwo = A1;int fsrReadingRight;int fsrReadingLeft;int potPin = A0;int potVal = 0;//bools used to track whether sensors are being made contact with or notbool contact;bool potContactUp;bool potContactDown;bool fsrContactL;bool fsrContactR;bool LEFTRIGHT;bool DOWNLEFT;bool UPLEFT;bool DOWNRIGHT;bool UPRIGHT;bool RIGHTLEFT;bool UPDOWN;void setup(){Serial.begin(9600);Keyboard.begin();}void loop(){fsrReadingRight = analogRead(fsrAnalogPinTwo); //reads input numbers from right sore sensorfsrReadingLeft = analogRead(fsrAnalogPinOne); //reads input numbers from left sore sensorpotVal = analogRead(potPin); //reads input numbers from tongue sensor//Ensures the neutral state of sensor doesn't read anything and resets valuesif(potVal < 25){potContactUp = false;potContactDown = false;}//Range used to act as the combination keys of UP+DOWNelse if (potVal < 200 && potVal > 100 && !UPDOWN && !potContactUp && !potContactDown){UPDOWN = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);UPDOWN = false;return;}//Middle of the range (230-50) which is used to represent the UP keyelse if (potVal < 500 && potVal > 230 && !potContactUp){potContactUp = true;//Case that UP + LEFT is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif (fsrReadingLeft >= 100 && !UPLEFT){UPLEFT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);UPLEFT = false;return;}//Case that UP + RIGHT is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif (fsrReadingRight >= 100 && !UPRIGHT){UPRIGHT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);UPRIGHT = false;return;}Keyboard.write(KEY_UP_ARROW);}//Upper third of the range (615-1023) which is used to represent the DOWN keyelse if (potVal >= 615 && !potContactDown){potContactDown = true;//Case that DOWN + LEFT is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif (fsrReadingLeft >= 100 && !DOWNLEFT){DOWNLEFT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);DOWNLEFT = false;return;}//Case that DOWN + RIGHT is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif (fsrReadingRight >= 100 && !DOWNRIGHT){DOWNRIGHT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);DOWNRIGHT = false;return;}Keyboard.write(KEY_DOWN_ARROW);}//Reset values to false if there is no contactif (fsrReadingRight < 100){fsrContactR = false;}//When right sensor receives a minimum amount of force, press right keyelse if (fsrReadingRight >= 100 && !fsrContactR) {fsrContactR = true;//Case that RIGHT + DOWN is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif(potVal >= 615 && !DOWNRIGHT){DOWNRIGHT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);DOWNRIGHT = false;return;}//Case that RIGHT + UP is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif(potVal < 500 && potVal > 230 && !UPRIGHT){UPRIGHT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);UPRIGHT = false;return;}//Case that RIGHT + LEFT is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif(fsrReadingLeft >= 100 && !LEFTRIGHT){LEFTRIGHT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);LEFTRIGHT = false;return;}Keyboard.write(KEY_RIGHT_ARROW);}//Reset values to false if there is no contactif (fsrReadingLeft < 100){fsrContactL = false;}//When left sensor receives a minimum amount of force, press left keyelse if (fsrReadingLeft >= 100 && !fsrContactL) {fsrContactL = true;//Case that LEFT + DOWN is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif(potVal >= 615 && !DOWNLEFT){DOWNLEFT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);DOWNLEFT = false;return;}//Case that LEFT + UP is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif(potVal < 500 && potVal > 230 && !UPLEFT){UPLEFT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);UPLEFT = false;return;}//Case that LEFT + RIGHT is pressed at the same time and inputs those keysif(fsrReadingRight >= 100 && !LEFTRIGHT){LEFTRIGHT = true;;;delay(10);Keyboard.releaseAll();delay(50);LEFTRIGHT = false;return;}Keyboard.write(KEY_LEFT_ARROW);}}
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