23 October 2023

Scaffolding: Progress Review

For my game controller, I am going with a controller for the game "Nidhogg." This is a fencing game with five basic controls. Moving left/right, raising your sword stance up/down, and thrusting. This will make use of a potentiometer to measure angles and will be designed to be shaped like a sword. I currently don't have the schematic, as I need assistance with working out the math, but the sketch and pseudocode are below.





lightDetection, lightOnValue, tiltDirection, tiltAmount, twistDirection, controllerHeight, raiseAmount, lowerAmount, keyboardInputs  


          If lightDetection is greater than or equal to lightOnValue, enable all other controls

If tiltDirection is forwards and tiltAmount is greater than or equal to required amount, use attack key

If twistDirection is to the left, move the player to the left with proper keyboardInputs

If twistDirection is to the right, move the player to the right with proper keyboardInputs

If  controllerHeight is greater than or equal to raiseAmount, rasie the player's tance

If controllerHeight is less than or equal to lowerAmount, lower the player's stance




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