17 October 2024

Scaffolding Concept Review


        The games that we have chosen to create a game controller for are Asteroids and the original Doom.  Asteroid was one of our choices as the game is very simply when it comes to design and gameplay, so we wanted to create something more interesting for the player to interact with when playing the game.  Doom was one of our other games we chose as throughout the years the gaming community has found many ways to manipulate dooms gameplay through mods or using wacky controllers, so we wanted to take on the challenge of creating a doom specific controller.  Asteroids deals with a lot of rotating and thrusting in the forward direction to destroy any incoming asteroids that may hit your ship, so our main approach to create a controller for this game was to create the ship itself so the player can have a more interactable experience.  Doom revolves around a lot of movement and run and focuses on the run and gun aspects of first-person shooters as you try to kill demons through hell, some of our designs for this game come in the shape of a shotgun or handle to focus on the shooting aspects while some other designs have foot pedals for movement as the game is fast paced we think this can really make the player feel as if they are running to survive.  Two questions we would like to ask is, which of our designs do you as a reader think is the best put together, and how can we improve any of our controller ideas.

(Asteroids) Asteroids: the arcade classic (echalk.co.uk)

(Doom) DOOM:ONE mod - ModDB


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