28 March 2021

Scaffolding: Progress

 The game controller I have designed is made to work with the rhythm game "Friday Night Funkin". I will be using all of the accelerometer's angles to input each of the keyboard's arrow keys, I will also use a potentiometer to raise and lower the music's volume, and a light sensor that will detect when it is dark (aka when you have your finger over it) that corresponds to the escape key on the keyboard, which allows the player to go back in the menu of the game. The design is just a box with some of the game's characters on the side and the abbreviation of the game on another side. On the top of the box is where all the controls will go and I will paint the arrows as their respective color in the game for aesthetics. I will also put  "-" and "+" symbols next to the potentiometer that will let the player know to twist it to the left for lower volume or right for higher volume.

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  //Get values of accelerometer, assign each value to each arrow key on the keyboard
  //Get value of potentiometer to see if it is being twisted left or right, if it is being twisted left input "-" on the keyboard and hold it, if being twisted right input "+" 
  //Get value of light senor, if light value is darker than a certain value, input "esc" on the keyboard.



1. Is there any other sort of inputs that I can use to make hitting the arrow keys easier?
2. should I make my design smaller?

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