20 March 2021

Scaffolding: Concept Review

    For my controller concepts, I'm going to try and make a controller for the game "Crypt of the Necrodancer". The reason I would like to work with this game is that I really like rhythm games, and rhythm games always tends to have the most diversity when it comes to alternative peripherals, and since this was a tempo based adventure game, I thought it would be interesting to experiment with, and with the limitation of no buttons and no control stick, I felt it would be the simplest in terms of using the alternative in pressure sensors or gyroscopes.
    When playing the game on keyboard, only the arrow keys are available for movement and can become cramped especially when trying to use combo arrow moves, so I'm trying to make a controller where that won't be as much of a problem by using one or more alternative controls to press the arrow keys.


  1. Gyro Cube- the thought behind it is that rotation can be omnidirectional, so people can easily rotate the cube  in certain ways to get the arrow or arrow combination they would like, with the exception of the up and down arrow, which is why there would be pressure sensitive plates on the side to hit that button. The down side to this is the sensitivity calibration for the pressure sensitive sides, since people are going to be holding it on those sides, that and setting the sensitivity on the tilts for each arrow as well.

  2. Gyro Glove- The thought behind it is similar to the Gyro Cube, but with the addition of the pressure sensors the to the finger tips. The thought behind the finger tip sensors is the thought of tapping to the beat, and can be more of a free hand set of arrow keys (pun intended). It also give the user preference control of either using tap, gyro, or a combination of both as controls for the game, and can also help with the arrow combinations.

  3. Laser Strum- This one is more directly inspired by the game, as one of the final prize items is a golden lute, so using laser interruption to dictate arrow key presses, and can easily use combo arrows, the only downside is that lasers are very expensive and it would also need another set of sensors in order to work properly


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