06 April 2022

Scaffolding: Progress Review

My controller is for Pokèmon Emerald, but it could apply to most if not all Pokèmon games that are emulated on the computer. It's an artifact from the game (a Pokèball) that the player can rotate and move their character via the accelerometer in the CPE. For the select feature, I was thinking about having a secondary controller that could be another artifact from the game or if the user tilts the ball in one direction and leaves it there for a certain amount of time then the select feature is triggered. Another option would be using one of the sensors like light or touch so you can select moves, potions, Pokèmon, etc.

What would be a good way of having the select option incorporated into the video game controller?
How would you improve the pseudocode? What functions would you add?



Adafruit_CircuitPlayground Bluefruit





BLEDis & BLEHidAdafruit

Set LEDpin


Initialize the libraries

Setup Bluetooth

Function for tilting CPE:

Set ranges for X and Y

Read the ranges

If tilted:

left move left

right move right

Up move up

Down move down


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