This project is a musical instrument that can play a 5-note
scale over four different octaves. It also has a percussive element to it in
the form of a servo. The goal of this project was to create something that
could feasibly be used as an outright instrument. The main thing that I took inspiration
from was the release of a new flavor of Coca-Cola called Starlight. I thought
it would be an interesting concept to try and create a sound that could mirror
the idea of communicating beyond the stars. For that reason, I thought that
both housing the project inside of a box of this product and using the potentiometer
to change the tempo would be fitting.
The original concept included using tinfoil to convey that space-age
theming, however, I found that utilizing the tinfoil on all of the pads was a
lot more unmanageable than I had anticipated, for this reason it now relies on
direct contact with the pads. The servo is positioned on the top of the
enclosure with attached tinfoil, so that I could still keep that bit in, in
order to replicate something akin to an antenna moving around.
Finally, the actual audio output of the project provides for
a few unique setups. My personal favorite is setting the tempo to high and activating
multiple notes. This creates an arpeggiator-like sound.
#include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h>#include <Servo.h>#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>//Ian Smith NIME Project//Here I am creating integers to house position and increment for the Servo.Servo myServo;int pos = 0;int inc = 1;//This creates an array of notes in our 5-note scale and also creates an array to house our Octave modiffiers.float notes[] = {65.41, 73.42, 82.41, 87.31, 98.00};float octaveModifiers[] = {1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0};int i = 0;;int octaveTier = 0;int tempo = 0;void setup(){CircuitPlayground.begin();Serial.begin(9600);delay(5000);//Attaching the servo to D0.myServo.attach(0);pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLDOWN);pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLDOWN);}void loop(){//Reading the potentiometer into the variable potRead = analogRead(7);//These integers get the analog value of their respective capacitive touch c = CircuitPlayground.readCap(A1);int d = CircuitPlayground.readCap(A2);int e = CircuitPlayground.readCap(A3);int f = CircuitPlayground.readCap(A4);int g = CircuitPlayground.readCap(A5);if (pos == 0) inc = 90;if (pos == 180) inc = -90;myServo.write(pos);pos += inc;//Increments the octave modifier if it has not reached it's max value.if (digitalRead(4) && octaveTier < 3){octaveTier++;delay(300);}//Decrements the octave modifier if it has not reached it's min value.if (digitalRead(5) && octaveTier > 0){octaveTier--;delay(300);}//These are check the touch pads and playing their respective letter note in turn.if (c > 600){i = 0;CircuitPlayground.playTone(notes[i]*octaveModifiers[octaveTier], tempo, false);}if (d > 600){i = 1;CircuitPlayground.playTone(notes[i]*octaveModifiers[octaveTier], tempo, false);}if (e > 600){i = 2;CircuitPlayground.playTone(notes[i]*octaveModifiers[octaveTier], tempo, false);}if (f > 600){i = 3;CircuitPlayground.playTone(notes[i]*octaveModifiers[octaveTier], tempo, false);}if (g > 600){i = 4;CircuitPlayground.playTone(notes[i]*octaveModifiers[octaveTier], tempo, false);}//This takes the potRead from above and checks it in order to set the tempos from a low of 100 to a max of 1000.if (potRead >= 0 && potRead <= 100){tempo = 100;}if (potRead >= 101 && potRead <= 200){tempo = 200;}if (potRead >= 201 && potRead <= 300){tempo = 300;}if (potRead >= 301 && potRead <= 400){tempo = 400;}if (potRead >= 401 && potRead <= 500){tempo = 500;}if (potRead >= 501 && potRead <= 600){tempo = 600;}if (potRead >= 601 && potRead <= 700){tempo = 700;}if (potRead >= 701 && potRead <= 800){tempo = 800;}if (potRead >= 801 && potRead <= 900){tempo = 900;}if (potRead >= 901 && potRead <= 1023){tempo = 1000;}}
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