Controller Description
There are two types of input that the controller accepts: Movement from the two ultrasonic range sensors on the sides of the hat, and jumping from the circuit playground's accelerometer. Placing your hands in front of the ultrasonic sensors will move your character in a certain direction, moving your hand closer and farther from the sensor will also influence the character's direction.
Though it may seem rather unorthodox, the signifiers for the controller are connected to its relation to the game. In order to get the character to move, a player must frantically move their hands up and down, similar to how Donkey Kong moves at the top in order to navigate their way up the tower. Additionally, the player must physically jump like the player character in order to jump over barrels
These aspects of the controller are able to give the player a unique experience when it comes to controlling a game. Few games see the player control a character without holding something in their hands, and this controller asks them to control a game by (quite literally) using their head.
Question for peer review
How can the movement controls, based on hand distance from the sensors, be improved to make the experience feel more natural and easy for players to use?
Kel worked on the base code and tested its functionality, ensuring the sensors and controls were working properly. They also fixed any errors and handled the wiring to connect all the sensors. Additionally, Kel recorded and edited the video and provided the voiceover.
Thu contributed by building on Kel’s code and making modifications to accommodate design changes. She wrote the project descriptions, and acted as the demonstrator in the video. She also crafted the hat, including cutting holes and using tape and a glue gun to modify it for caging.
Controller Photo
Controller Schematic
Controller Code
#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>#include <Keyboard.h>// Define ultrasonic sensor pins for directions and constantsconst int trigPinLR = 6; // Trigger pin for left/right movementconst int echoPinLR = 12; // Echo pin for left/right movementconst int trigPinFB = 9; // Trigger pin for forward/backward movementconst int echoPinFB = 3; // Echo pin for forward/backward movementconst int distanceCloseThreshold = 15; // Distance threshold for closer thresholdconst int distanceFartherThreshold = 25; // Distance threshold for further thresholdconst int distanceMaxThreshold = 38; //Maximum distance threshold we want the range sensors to detectconst int shakeThresh = 15; // Threshold for detecting a shake to jumpvoid setup() {// set up sensors + microphoneSerial.begin (9600);CircuitPlayground.begin();// Initialize trigger and echo pins as output and input, respectively// Initialize trigger and echo pinspinMode(trigPinLR, OUTPUT);pinMode(echoPinLR, INPUT);pinMode(trigPinFB, OUTPUT);pinMode(echoPinFB, INPUT);pinMode(CPLAY_SLIDESWITCHPIN, INPUT_PULLUP);}void loop() {if (digitalRead(CPLAY_SLIDESWITCHPIN)) {// Measure distances from objectslong distanceLR = echolocate(trigPinLR, echoPinLR); // For left/rightlong distanceFB = echolocate(trigPinFB, echoPinFB); // For forward/backwardSerial.print(distanceLR);Serial.print("\t");Serial.println(distanceFB);//Shake detect for jumping//float shake = abs(CircuitPlayground.motionX()) +abs(CircuitPlayground.motionY()) +abs(CircuitPlayground.motionZ());if(shake > shakeThresh) {; //press space to jumpdelay(100); // Short delay to debounceKeyboard.release(0x20); // Release key}// Movement logic for up/down based on distanceif (distanceFB <= distanceCloseThreshold) {; // Press "up" when hand is closer} else if (distanceFB > distanceFartherThreshold) {; // Press "down" when hand is further away}// Release arrow keys only if no movement is detected in either sensorif (distanceLR <= distanceCloseThreshold) {; // Press "right" when hand is closer} else if (distanceLR > distanceFartherThreshold) {; // Press "left" when hand is further away}delay(100); // Add a short delay to debounce key pressesKeyboard.releaseAll();}}long echolocate(int trigPin, int echoPin){//Define function-specific variableslong distance, duration;digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);delayMicroseconds(2);digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);delayMicroseconds(10);digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); // Measure echo return time// Determine the distance from the object (in centimeters, then return that value)distance = (duration / 2) / 29.1; // Distance in cmreturn distance;}
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