24 January 2021

Drum Switch - Unconventional Switch Scaffolding

 For my unconventional switch, I decided to make use of the instruments I have in my home and make a drum switch. My switch follows both an aesthetic line (music) and functionally solves a problem. The drum switch allows people to be able to replicate a pattern on the drums by hitting the drum piece that corresponds to the color. To make this possible, I connected one part of the switch to a drumstick and the other part to the ride cymbal using aluminum foil as a conductor. Once the pieces come in contact, the LED lights up. 

The switch in action.

To find the appropriate resistance for the green LED, I used the formula R=Vsupply-Vforward/Idesired.  The volt supply of the power source was 4.96 and the forward voltage of the LED was about 1.92. To find I, I divided the Vf by the base resistance of 1KΩ. Calculating the desired resistance, I got about 1583Ω. I used a series of 1K, 330, and 200Ω resistors, which gave me 1150Ω.

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