30 September 2019

RGB LED Mapping: Color Selector

For this mapping exercise I decided to create an interactive color selector. Ideally the main goal is for the user to manipulate the first LED’s colors through the controllers and match the second LED’s color. Each of the controllers change the value of a single pin on the first LED. The potentiometer controls the red pin, the joystick controls the green pin, and the water sensor controls the blue pin. In addition to controlling colors, the joystick has a button that changes the second LED’s RGB values with random numbers within the color range (0-255). It also outputs a beep through the buzzer each time it is reset.

For now this color selector is simple, but ideally it could work as a game for the user to try and match the second LED’s color. If coded, the buzzer could work as a feedback to the user once they have successfully matched the color of the second LED. Also, if connected to a screen, the values of the first LED could be printed after the sound for the user to know exactly how the color is made and possibly save the combination for future use.

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