28 October 2019

Project Proposal

Some ideas...


The idea I'm currently choosing to pursue is the last, a "storyboard" where users can choose from "artifacts", an array of items to pair together, and then contribute to the story that involves those items. I want to give participants an opportunity to be creative, and contribute to an inherently collaborative narrative. The final result will be a viewable story publicly available online. 

Hardware list:
  • Container (looking like a book or sketchpad)
  • Artifacts (at least 6)
  • RFID readers (at least 3)
  • LCD display
  • microphone
  • speaker
  • ISD1700 module (for recording)
  • Arduino Uno
  • Wi-fi co-processor (possibly - to upload the audio files while the storyboard is still being used, there may be some other way to do this)
  • jumper wires

Software list:
  • Arduino IDE
  • Google Docs (or other software with voice-to-text options)

Project plan:
  • Prepare!
    • after feedback, finalize lists
    • order items
  • Phase 1: Artifacts
    • set up RFID so three readers can register or reject six unique cards
    • assign artifacts to readers/categories (this may be able to happen later) 
    • set up LCD with instructions before and after objects are placed
  • Phase 2: Record/play
    • set up ISD1700, microphone, and speaker
    • code for audio playback - test first with prerecording
    • code so that recordings can be added to existing recordings
    • (stretch goal) allow option to rerecord before "submitting" contribution
    • pair with LCD so UI facilitates an easy understanding of how and when to record
  • Phase 3: constructing the container/assembly
    • construct box to hold all components
    • solder and secure all hardware
    • Phase 4: voice-to-text (possibly a stretch goal)
      • set up wi-fi co-processor to upload audio files
      • pair with Google Doc or other software that will convert to text
      • create simple website where users can view the story as it unfolds
      • create QR code to place next to storyboard to give users access to stories immediately after they contribute*
    *need to decide if all stories are viewable to all participants, and if so, how will they be organized so they can easily find the one they contributed to?

    Final Project Proposal: DM

    Option 1

    Concept Statement

    Based on my Studio project of an interactive falling shape installation. The idea is to integrate additional users to have control over the input of the falling shapes, while a different user is interacting with it. Through a controller, the audience is able to put to test the skills of the person playing and challenge their ability to keep up with their inputs.

    Hardware List

    -Circuit board (Arduino UNO?) -Electric Tape
    -Buttons -Scissors
    -Potentiometers -Cutters
    -LED's -Wire Stripper
    -Wires -Tweezers
    -Hot Glue and Gun -3D printer
    -Solder and Iron -3D printing material
    -Cardboard for prototype -Paint

    Software List

    - Arduino IDE
    - Unity or Processing
    - Tinkercad 

    Option 2

    Concept Statement

    Puzzle games are fun, but they usually have an end. What if there was a puzzle that was different each time you played it? The idea is to merge together technology and mind puzzles. With this cube maze, there will be infinite amounts of puzzles to solve so the user will never get bored. Each time the game resets, a new puzzle will begin. The puzzles never end!

    Hardware List

    -Circuit board (Arduino UNO?) -Electric Tape
    -LED Matrix (6?) -Scissors
    -Accelerometer -Cutters
    -LED's (power and restart) -Wire Stripper
    -Batteries and clip -Tweezers
    -Buttons -Laser Cutter
    -Wires -Acrylic
    -Hot Glue and Gun -3D printer
    -Solder and Iron -3D printing material
    -Cardboard for prototype -Paint

    Software List

    - Arduino IDE
    - Illustrator
    - Tinkercad

    Option 3

    Project Plan

    1.- Confirm project, hardware, and software needed.
    2.- Sketch design of the final product and possible schematics.
    3.- Purchase hardware.
    4.- Start wiring breadboard and code simple on/off, push/release, etc.
    5.- Code triggers on serial monitor to say what they should do.
    6.- Code triggers to work as input within the falling shape interface.
    7.- Prototype enclosure with wiring and components.
    8.- Design final enclosure that will be used. Measure components.
    9.- 3D print/laser cut the enclosure.
    10.- Paint enclosure components.
    11.-Organize wiring and components to fit inside the enclosure.
    12.- Test and troubleshoot.
    13.- If it’s working: Soldering.
    14.- Test and troubleshoot. Final  touch-ups.
    15.- Present!

    Final Project Proposal

    Cell Phone (Demonstration)

    Arduino Mega/ Power Supply

    Hardware Materials:
    Motion Sensor
    Circuit Playground
    Soldering Iron
    3D Printed Cup Holder
    Red/White LED Lights (2 of each)

    Jumper Wires

    Fingerprint Scanner

    Software List: 



    Texting is one of the most dangerous things that is done while driving. According to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), nearly 20,000 people died in accidents between 2012 and 2017. Teens, aged 15 to 19, are more likely to cause an accident involving their cellphones.
    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving related accidents killed 3,166 people in 2017. “Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds” (NHTSA).
    The focus of my project will be to stop the horrible accidents that texting causes from happening. I plan to take an idea that I started in my Design for New Media class last spring (video below). I want to create a system that makes sure texting and driving isn’t the reason for so many deaths in the United States.

    The first phase of this system will be an automatic locking device that will be installed in the cup holder of every vehicle on the road. In order to start the car, the driver will have to put their phone in the cup holder and scan their fingerprint. If they decide to remove the phone while driving, the sensor will set off the front and back lights. This will send a warning to others around the driver to stay away from them. The system can only be reset if the driver turns the car off and repeats the process.

    The second phase (which will have to be designed at a later time) will have to be coordinated with the USDOT. Once partnered with the USDOT, the flashing lights on the car will cause a photo to be taken of the license plate at every intersection. The third phase will send the most recent location of the car to the closest responding officers. The officers can then give a ticket to the offender.

    Project Plan:

    •Experiment with the biometric scanner
    •Figure out how to code and program it to a specific print
    •Experiment with the motion sensor
              •Figure out how to code and program it to a specific print
    •Experiment with the circuit playground (if I go this route)
            • How does this work?
    Experiment with locking the phone in place
    •Use the 3D printer to print the cup holder and car
    •Install the LED lights into the car
    •Solder Circuit Playground as needed
    •Install the motion sensor and the biometric scanner
    •Code the LED lights
    •Code the Biometric Scanner
    •Code the Motion Sensor
    •Test the coding
    •Make Video
    •Present to Class!

    Other Ideas:

    The focus of this project will be to stop crooks from entering into the home through animals doors. The fingerprint scanner (or in this case, the paw print scanner) will activate the opening and closing of the door. This will be an easy way for the animal to get in and out of the house without letting in unwanted people/animals. The paw print scanner will easily program the animal(s) of the house so they are able to go in and out as they please.

    The materials used for this project would include: Arduino, Fingerprint Scanner, hinges, R3 board, door and jumper wires.

    The focus of this project will make it easier to clean the pool. With the use of an app to control the pool cleaning, you don't have to be home to flip a switch, you can turn RoboVac on from the convenience of your office, while on vacation or simply watching TV in your living room. There is also a start button if you want to manually start it when you are swimming.

    The materials used for this project would include: Arudino, R3 board, jumper wires, app, phone, water proof material, motion sensor, cleaning brushes and a cleaning vacuum.

    Andrew.currin.ctr@dot.gov. “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.” NHTSA, 8 May 2019, www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/distracted-driving.

    Luis.colon@dot.gov. “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.” Luis.colon@Dot.gov, 15 Apr. 2019, www.trafficsafetymarketing.gov/get-materials/distracted-driving/u-drive-u-text-u-pay.

    Final Project Proposal

    Favorite Concept: LEDungeon 

    *It is not this anymore. It is still a dungeon crawler, but the dungeon is attached to a swinging robotic arm and the people are the dungeon crawlers! Players will press buttons around a circular table based on what is shown on the LED! IT WILL ALL MAKE MORE SENSE SOON! 

    LEDungeon will be a completely original game that showcases the core mechanics of a dungeon crawler RPG in as simple of a presentation as possible. Players control a 4 x 4 LED on a 32 x 32 grid (size of player subject to change) using buttons through a series of levels; defeating enemies, and collecting loot. The game will be housed in a custom arcade cabinet that will either be made of wood or 3D printed. LEDungeon will feature sound if time permits.

    I hope the final result will delight players who are looking for unique gaming experiences or simply inspire people to make their own unique games.

    Hardware List:

    • Arduino UNO 
    • Adafruit RGB Matrix Shield
    • 32x32 RGB LED Matrix
    • Speaker (potentially)
    • Wood or 3D printing material 
    • Custom buttons (would love these to be MX Cherry switches) 

    Software List:

    • Arduino IDE 

    Project Plan:

    • Research 
      • Learning what the RGB matrix library is capable of
      • Define what mechanics I want to include in the game
        • Movement
        • Combat
        • Loot 
        • Level Progression  
    • Design 
      • Using iterative design practice create and test mechanics to find what will be best suited for the 32x32 space
      • Isolate each individual mechanic and create it inside the Arduino IDE
      • Design each level/stage
        • Test which colors and shapes create the most interesting experience
      • Once the game has been created focus shifts to designing and creating a mini cabinet
        • 3D print or wood 
        • Make modifications to the LED matrix to rest in the cabinet properly
      • Once testing is completed using jumper wires and breadboard, solder connections to the matrix shield and permanent board that will reside in the cabinet.
    • If there is time
      • Include sound to the game 
        • Cabinet design will take this into consideration with a removable panel for speakers or headphones. 

    Other Concepts

    Misinformation Bot

    Originally my favorite concept, inspired by Julian Oliver’s art installment titled: Solitary Confinement (https://julianoliver.com/output/solitary-confinement.html). When I learned about this piece I loved the tension it must have created seeing it in person, something so simple yet so sinister. Misinformation Bot would be a different take on this same concept.

    Misinformation of news spread across social media is a serious issue in today’s society. The fact that it is so easy to share completely incorrect information about worldwide issues such as climate change, discrimination, politics, etc. people should be more vigilant about where they are receiving their news. Misinformation Bot would illustrate this very serious issue.

    How it works: A Raspberry Pie would be turned into a news mining machine that received news updates from a reputable news source (such as NPR). It would then take those headlines and save them to a text file that would then be used to change predetermined keywords to create false information. The Raspberry Pie would take the manipulated information and begin creating tweets for a created twitter bot. All of this would be shown on a monitor showing the observer exactly what was happening. Part of the display would include a single button that is enclosed in a protective clear material that is bolted to the table, that if pressed would begin sending out the manipulated text every hour.

    This idea was scrapped after looking into the amount of research I would have to do to learn how to make a Raspberry Pie do all of this from scratch. However, I do plan to return to this project at a later time as I believe it could create the same kind of tension as Julina Oliver’s piece and bring this topic to the forefront of the observer’s mind.

    Music Immersion Capsule

    This was the first idea I came up with for our final project and was scrapped due to cost. However, if anyone wants to team up on this at some point I think it would make for a really great installment piece.
    People would be able to enter the capsule and have a meaningful listening experience with their favorite songs. Just like many people, I have a few songs that have shaped me as a person through the difficult and happy parts of my life and being able to be immersed in that music in an interesting environment would be so interesting.

    The capsule would include an array of linked RGB LED matrixes that would transition colors, pulsate with the beat, and play animations based on the music that was played. Large speakers would be mounted to the inside of the capsule to create an immersive but comfortable listening environment.

    27 October 2019

    Final Project Proposal

    Idea (1)

    Idea (2)

    Idea (3)

    Tangible Story - Idea(3):

    Building a touchable tale for kids is a way to encourage them to learn different things. Kids sometimes don’t like to sit and read a story peacefully; they prefer doing activities and adventures. This project designed to achieve this goal, kids will be able to do things as well as listening and reading. It is an excellent method to develop their intellectual skills. 

    Hardware List:
    • Bare conductive touch board (might not be needed)
    • Solid wire
    • Soldering wire
    • Jumper wires
    • Copper foil tape
    • PCB boards (different sizes)
    • Power adapter
    • LEDs
    • Audios
    • Speakers
    • Buttons/ other creative switches(puzzle, zipper, etc.) 
    • Servos
    • Stepper motors
    • Fans 
    • Filament (for 3D printer to build some of the structure)
    • Papers, fabrics, threads, conductive painting, wires, etc. (crafting some of the structure)

    Software List:
    • Arduino 1.8.10

    Project Plan:

    Week 10 (final decisions and purchasing): 
    • Decide what the concept of the story will be
    • Purchase all the materials
    • Design things that need to be 3D printed

    Week 11 (start coding the first part and testing):
    • Build the LEDs codes as well as decide what are the methods that will be used  
    1. Lighting race
    2. RGB
    3. Blinking lights
    4. On / Off lights 
    • Choose the movements that I want to implement in the story and start building the kinetic codes 

    Week 12 (start doing the audios):
    • Choosing the audios as well as building their codes 

    Week 13 (combining all together and testing):
    • Solder things
    • Which part goes into which spot
    • Compile the whole story in one piece
    • Print the 3D designs

    Week 14 (build the final shape):
    • Build the box/rug of the story (depend on what my decision will be)

    Week 15 (test the whole project):
    • Compile the small parts of the story inside its carrier

    Week 16 (submission):
    • Final touches


    FP Proposal

    MAIN CONCEPT : Wololo Soundboard

    EDIT: *Maybe* Scratch the design below, I just got heckin' inspired. I'll rant more on Monday, but some notes are included/changed below.

    Concept Statement:

    A smaller, lightweight soundboard, the final project would feature six columns, 1 rows of sounds, and 1 row of background music that can be looped. In total, that means there would be 12 sounds in the prototype. Other features could include changing sounds via a graphic interface (SD Card(?)), hitting a button to toggle the soundboard to a completely different sound set (or play tones), and so forth.

    The title itself is a reference to Age of Empires. While such a short, unassuming voice effect, the phrase itself has become so memorable that many players or people familiar with the series can recognize it in a completely unrelated forum. The phrase shows how impactful a sound can be in increasing immersion or meaningfully connecting a user to a product—a connection I want to study or attempt to create.

    Material(s) List:
      • 1x Arduino
      • 1x Music Maker MP3 Shield from Adafruit
      • 12x Circular RGB LEDs, or circular casings for RGB LEDs
        • Similar to NeoPixel ring
      • 1x SD Card (64Mb+)
      • 1x Speaker for playback
      • 1x Headphones set for testing purposes
      • 1x Power Source (Wall Wart, Battery, 5v+)
      • ??x A lot more jumper wires
        • Estimate: 3x12[leds],2[V&Gr],2x12[buttons]
    • INPUTS
      • Version 1 // 1x Self-Made Membrane Switch (2ROW x 6COL)
        • Requires 12 buttons/switches
        • 2 layers, one for rows, one for columns
        • When button pressed, connect row & column for input
      • Version 2 // 12x buttons, each with own identity/pin
      • Any/All Related Libraries
      • 6x MP3 or WAV sounds
      • 6x MP3 or WAV songs
    • DECOR
      • 1x Non-conductive Enclosure
        • Estimate: At least 4 x 10 inches, maybe 2 inches high
      • 1x Silver or Gray Matte Spray Paint Can
      • Either Word Labels or Symbolic Stickers (identify buttons)
      • Can be cut if constraints get Rough
      • If Toggle Added:
        • Double songs/sounds
        • Add extra button
      • If Buttons Are Images:
        • How can I display changing image?
        • Is it worth over simple labeling?
    Resource(s) List: (To Be Updated As Discoveries Are Made)
    Brief Project Plan:

      • Experiment with Music Maker Shield to learn how to play mp3s
        • Put Together / Solder Shield if necessary
      • Choose / Gather all testing sounds & songs in folder
      • Look at MP3 players, sound devices, sound boards
        • What works?
        • What doesn't?
    • DESIGN
      • Design Prototype
        • What aesthetics inspire it?
        • How should LED colors change?
        • How should sounds function?
        • Could a second set of sounds be added via toggle?
        • What are some intuitive design aspects?
        • How will user learn / engage with project?
        • How many pins will be available with music shield?
      • EDIT: Design ALT Prototype
        • If I decide to radically change design, how do we make an interactive soundboard that looks nothing remotely like a soundboard but maintains switches, LEDs, and can be easily uninstalled/installed.
        • After reading other class' Tangible Bits & listening to a totally unrelated retro tech-y song, I have half a mind to make the enclosure a very large D20 that you rotate, tap, and interact with to play/manipulate songs. Needless to say, this would change the materials list.
        • Ex: See coke can resource example
      • Breadboard buttons to determine a working layout
      • Breadboard RGB LEDs and add to layout
        • Do I want them to function like in analog assignment?
      • Can all pins fit without messing with D1,D2, & D13?
      • Continually fix layout before/after coding to make sure everything is stable
    • CODING
      • Code All Pins for functionality tests
      • Code Buttons
        • Regardless of 0 or 1, make sure all register the same in Serial
      • Code LEDs
      • Code / Setup MP3 section
        • Test sound/song list
      • Code Responses
        • Press Button -> Change Light & Play Sound
        • Long Press Button (2-3sec) - > Loop Music
      • Design & Sketch Ideas
      • Build Prototypes (at least 3)
      • Build Final Version
      • Decorate Final Version
      • Solder Elements
      • Install in Enclosure
      • Fix bugs that will definitely pop up after install
      • Final testing / fixes
      • Label Buttons / Finish Decorations
      • Make FP Video (2-5min)
        • Project being used
        • Explaining how it works / Coding
        • Talk about concept


    Concept : Digital Stamp

    literally everyday, amirite

    Going a bit in-depth with this one because this is the closest runner up, and I might still attempt this at another time or place when I gain the know-how.

    Brief Statement: A servo/motor based machine that operates much like a spherebot, but for flat surfaces. By typing input and adjusting it via the arduino cloud app, a user can then use the device to print desirably clean text. Like stencils, but without that hoarding or the tracing hassle!

    Audience: People like me who were kidnapped by chickens in their early years and thusly adopted the writing legibility of a rotten turnip. AKA: Bujo enthusiasts who still want to work with ink & paper, but also want the final product not to suffer due to personal handwriting limitations.

    Inspired By: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB-a9g6yQhE

    Concept : Vending Machine

    What is this hardcore mullet action though?

    Brief Statement: It's a vending machine. That's... pretty much it. This idea exists just to flex on the ones that don't work at UCF, to be quite honest.

    21 October 2019

    Computer Says: Break Time!

     *** SPOILER ALERT ***

    * Dear avid readers: if you intend to play the game please wait to read this! *

    For the Communication assignment, I first considered getting inspiration from the idea of assigning items on my desk into categories. Then I looked at my desk.

    Yeah... no.

    I was also thinking about the serial monitor communication and how I might be able to write the computer as a character, and the materials for this assignment (specifically the RFID reader) reminded me of making games.... and kaPOW! This idea:


    So easy, right? Somehow a part of me believes that just a little bit, despite logic and consistent evidence to the contrary. Fortunately, Fotoon was kind enough to lend me her RFID reader, and I had an extra Uno board from last semester, so I knew this would be possible

    Many hours later, I scrapped the idea of the LED matrix and reused my "Simon Says" code with some modifications. I also went from the four digit seven segment display to the single digit version, and made a simpler countdown as a result. I struggled pretty hard on understanding much of the code and some of the wiring (not where it went but what it did exactly) for these components, and what I have below is largely an experimental mish-mosh of sample-code, found-on-internet-code, and code-that-could-probably-be-simplified.

    My feelings while trying to make things work

    I like the idea of "think outside the box" puzzles, and I wanted to get back into the swing of test playing concepts. I always worry problems like this will be too obvious, but hopefully people don't figure out the trick right away. :) 


    Outisde! (tweaked the message after this photo)

    The following is a playthrough video, a schematic, and code for both programs that are running (one requires connection to the computer for the serial monitor, the other just need battery power).


    As always,
    CapriciousClockwinder2345620 + Toupe4
    (no ledge)

    PS thanks to Random Nerd Tutorials for providing some code that helped me understand and use the RFID

    Communication: Schedule Reminder

    For this communication project, I created an interactive system that provides the correct user with access to their home and current schedule. To create this, I used an RFID reader to detect the user ID through a key, this could potentially be set to work with several keys for a larger family. If the key presented is the correct one, it will turn on the house lights and welcome the user with a message through an LCD display. This screen would ideally be larger and embedded into the user’s home for a more ubiquitous experience. If an incorrect user is detected, a message of intrusion is shown on the LCD display and the person does not have access to the rest of the functions. In addition to this, once a correct user is detected, the system invites the user to input, through the computer, the current time of the day and scan their key again to show them their scheduled activities for that moment. Ideally, this could be expanded with a clock to reduce the need of the user’s input of the time and make it more automatic once they place their keys in the correct place.

    Communicate Your Feelings


    For this project, I used the membrane keypad and the LED dot matrix to convey emotion. When you press buttons 1 through 9 randomly on the keypad, you will see 1 of 4 sketches on the LED dot matrix: happy face, sad face, neutral face and an alien. If you go into the serial monitor, you will be able to see the corresponding phrase that goes with each emoji.

    Materials Used:

    LED Dot Matrix
    Membrane Keypad
    Jumper Wires